18 October 2024

Kawandi Place Mats

During 2023, one of the girls at my local Quilt Club showed us how to make things in the Kawandi-style. And so, like some of the others, I had a go and here's the results.

This first photo is of my first attempt and it is hand stitched - maybe I'm my own worst enemy but I am very critical of my work - others don't seem to agree with me.

And so for my second Kawandi piece, I decided to machine stitch it - much happier with the result.

I use both of them as coffee table mats

And then I decided to have another go at hand-stitching a piece of Kawandi - this time I'm being a bit OCD with the project - it's a bit slower to do but I'm much happier with how it's going. This is a photo in the early stages of doing it.

And here is the same item - the photo was taken in different light but I can assure you, it's the same work - a bit further advanced than before but not quite finished!

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