17 October 2024

CVQ Mystery Quilt 2014 - Love, Hope, Joy, Peace

2014 was the first of our Quilt Club’s Mystery Quilts - an idea I got after visiting the Quilt Exhibition at Alice Springs the previous year.

I brought the idea to the Committee of my own Club and they were in agreement to give it a go. Yay! That was the first step taken. Next was to ask permission from the AESS group - which they readily gave and offered a copy of their instructions, to give us a leg-up.

The item could be made any size and shape - anything from a KS quilt to a table runner, as long as each set of instructions was easily identifiable in the finished item.

The instructions included:

Round 1: Create a square

Round 2: First border must contain triangles

Round 3: Use 2 different pieces of fabric in this border

Round 4: Add a border of feature fabric but it must start with the letter F ie fish, frogs, flowers

Round 5: Add a border using characters ie words, numbers, foreign characters

Round 6: Add a border with curves in it ie circles, waves, swirls

Round 7: Add a star or a cross somewhere in this border

Round 8: This last border must contain postage stamps

And this is my interpretation of those instructions:

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