27 August 2017

Pastiche Projects II (AKA CVQ Love Blocks)

When I first started my blog, I added a section called Pastiche Projects in which I included some small blocks - usually about 6.5" x 6.5".
Since then, I've made more such blocks and offer them here to keep the records straight:

When Angela's son, Jonathan, died, she asked for her blocks to include sunflowers - her son's favourite flowers. I added a cross because Angela is also a practising Christian and this fed into her faith.

There weren't any "instructions for Angela's block, following the death of her father - so I chose some blokey-colours!

When our quilty friend Danuta was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, we knew that time was not going to be a good friend of her's. And so we all decided that we'd like to make her a quilt and present it to her before she died - rather than after the event, which is usually how we do things. We're all so glad we did and she had a good three months to enjoy her quilt. It went everywhere with her - even to hospital. It is now in her family's possession and is really valued by them. We decided to make it with a navy and white theme, they being our Club's colours. And so we could either take a navy or white fabric for the background. I chose the navy but made 2 hearts - a navy sitting on a white one. This was my contribution to Danuta's quilt.

This a photo of Danuta, taken at our 2012 Quilt Exhibition

... and this is the final quilt with a great big heart, right in the middle of it!

When Glenda's mother died, we were asked to make a block depicting an aspect of gardening, something which she loved to do.

Following the birth of Jacki's daughter, we were asked if we'd like to make a block which depicted flora or fauna of Australia:

When Jacki and Craig were married, we were asked to make a block, using reds and whites - the colour of the dress she wore, when they first went out.

Roses or travel were the chosen themes following the death of Jill's mother. I made the first one coz I loved the fabric but then found the one with "Paris" on it amongst my stash of fabrics and decided to make a second one - I gave them both to her and then gave her the option of which one to choose!

Julie has a love affair with things Japanese and so when her mother died, it was an easy decision to choose something Japanese. I decided to embroider in Sashimi style the Japanese character for "friend'.

"Bright Colours" was the theme following the birth of Sarina's son and herewith my interpretation of that!

When Sarina was married, she chose aqua, white and hessian as her colours of choice.

Sue's father was a farmer and so I chose earthy colours for the heart, for her quilt blocks.

When Wendy's sister died, I decided to make a block of a flower pot with tatted flowers, which I had made.

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