27 August 2017

Mug Rugs, Placemats & Runners

One Christmas I was gifted a rather beautiful and dainty tea mug - which sent my head into a spin coz immediately, I knew I just had to make a Mug Rug for it - AKA a coaster.

Herewith said mug, set upon its own Mug Rug!!!

... and here is a picture of the same Mug Rug but with a couple of biscuits popping out from the pocket. If you are gifting this to someone, you could put a couple of their favourite teabags in the pocket for an extra treat!

... and here they are with their very own Mug Bag - is this 5-Star service for the humble tea mug???

And then when one is on a roll - let's make some more Mug Rugs - these 2 were gifted as part of a Christmas Gift Swap:

Our Christmas Runner
This has been "coming" for several years now and finally, it's been pieced together but still not completed!!! Maybe 2017 might be the year it sees the light of day as a Runner????

Sodoku Mat
Just for a bit of fun, I decided to make a Sudoku Mat, so we could play the game with friends as a Board Game! But where to get big enough chips or discs from - we first used plastic bottle tops and we collected a heap of colours - 9 of each but they became too bulky to carry around - so we're still looking for suitable discs, buttons, chips or tiles - but whatever we get has to have 9 of any one colour to make it work - it's still a work in progress!!!

Each 9-piece block is a different shade of neutral...

And then I decided to make a Runner for our Occasional Table, using Japanese fabrics in positive and negative of the same fabric.
This is the positive side:

And this is the negative of the same fabric:

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