28 August 2017

CVQ Mystery Quilts

Our Club has run 4 Mystery Quilts in the last 4 years 2014-2017, and I have participated in 3 of them. 
We are given an instruction every month for about 6 months and then it's up to us as to how we interpret those instructions - which at best are bare bones e.g. form a circle - it can be simply cut from a piece of fabric or it can be pieced - simply or rather extravagantly - it's up to the individual quilter. 

Herewith my progress projects - sadly, none of them have yet been quilted yet but the tops, all bar this year's are finished at least:


Instruction 1 - choose a centre piece - could be whole piece or patchwork
Instruction 2 - add a border using at least one triangle 
Instruction 3 - use 2 different fabrics
Instruction 4 - border must include something which has been paper pieced
Instruction 5 - must have a letter, word or some character on it
Instruction 6 - must include circles or swirl
Instruction 7 - must be colourful but in keeping with design

Instruction 1 - create a circle
Instruction 2 - square the circle
Instruction 3 - use 2 of either squares, rectangles or triangles
Instruction 4 - circles or swirls that reflect the inner circle
Instruction 5 - flying geese - but not in a straight line


This year's Mystery Quilt thus far:
Instruction 1 - create a centre which includes points
Instruction 2 - border with 3 different fabrics in it
Instruction 3 - use at least one triangle
Instruction 4 - free choice (not finished)

And here is the finished quilt top, awaiting to be quilted. I'm thinking of using my ruler quilting skills on it!!!!

And in 2018, we didn't do a Mystery Quilt but a Quilt Block Challenge, where we had to take a contemporary block and put a modern twist to it. Because I've always wanted a Colour Wheel, that's what I chose! Again, it's awaiting quilting...

Bedford Mystery Quilt

Earlier than the current series of Mystery Quilts, our Club in conjunction with a major charity in town, joined with other quilt clubs and participated in a Mystery Quilt Day. This time, we were given instructions on the day, block by block with no clue as to how they would come together. Again, it was loads of fun...

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