28 August 2017

Club Exhibitions

Exhibition 2012

While I didn't contribute to the 2012 Raffle Quilt, this is a photo of the finished item.

Exhibition 2014
For our 2014 Club's Quilt Exhibition's Raffle Prize, we were given a piece of fabric and were asked to sew a doily on it - this was my contribution to the quilt.

This is the finished quilt:

A close-up of a couple of the blocks stitched together:

Exhibition 2016
We didn't have to make a small block for our 2016 Exhibition Quilt but rather we were asked to hand over some bright coloured fabric from which various sized hearts would be cut. Herewith our finished quilt:

Exhibition 2018
Plans are already underway for our 2018 Raffle Quilt - this time, we have been asked to provide a piece of fabric which has large colourful flowers printed on it - looking forward to seeing the end result...

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