27 August 2017

Chinese Windows Quilt

This one belongs in my UFO bucket - or is that a drawer, box or bucket - for some it might be a whole cupboard!!!
I started this one ages ago - maybe 8 or 9 years ago - based on the design of an enclosure divider I saw at our local Zoo. I found these 2 Fat Quarters at our local quilt fabric shop - in the cheap bin - and bought them! However, when I realised that I needed another 2, 3 or 4 of them, I discovered they were in the cheap bin coz they were the end of a bolt - not to be seen again. And hence the quilt top has remained unfinished. One of these days, I'll try to match the black and actually finish it. As quilters will know, blacks aren't all black - just as whites aren't all white!!!

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