18 February 2012

Kola Quilt

This quilt will be used as a raffle prize at our Church to raise money for a water project in Egypt, which our Church supports, called Project Kola - kola being an arabic word for water jug or water vessel... and also an HIV/Aids Project in Thailand, called Saiyarak (which means "living waters"). Proceeds will be equally divided between the 2 projects.
And since this photo was taken it's had a border sewn on and been quilted and bound - just waiting on me to make its label...
Stay tuned for a photo of the finished product...

And here it is - another box ticked!!! All done and dusted...
Click on it to get a closer look - we had this one professionally quilted - it's the first time I've had one of my quilts quilted this way - ever so pleased with the result - just makes a massive difference to the look of it!
... now we can start selling the raffle tickets...
Size: 68" x 68" (173cm x 173cm)

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