29 December 2009

Swedish Weaving AKA Huckwork

... in between crochet, knitting, various lace making attempts and patchwork and quilting - I turned my hand to Swedish Weaving [or Huckwork, as it's also known]. I remember doing this in Primary School and really loved it and rediscovered it as an adult - much to my delight. While we were overseas, I taught this to Primary School kids in their elective sessions - it was always a popular option - much to my delight.
... watch out for some photos [when I find them!!!]

Finally, many, many months later, I found my pieces of artwork...

The above item is a tray cloth which I made to show the kids what can be done using Swedish Weaving. Other ideas include tea-towels and aprons but the list is actually endless - you are only restricted by your imagination.

... and this is the sampler I made to show the kids some of the stitches and variations that can be achieved using Swedish Weaving. Again, one is only restricted by one's imagination.

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